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We received the sad news that George Moon has passed away. George (ex-Kieviten) became a member of VCC in 1988. He was 44 years old at the time and initially played for the Veterans. Although he played most of the matches in VCC 3 in the following...

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VCC must be a place where everyone feels at home in both sporting and social terms, where everyone respects each other and feels connected. VCC wants to be a safe place to play sport, where everyone is equal, comes with pleasure and is happy with...

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Board Evenementen

Bar 2022

A short overview of the plans the bar committee (Mark Steffelaar and Karel Philipsen) has for the forthcoming season(s). 2022 will hopefully be a busy year with more matches and our 90th anniversary as icing on the cricket cake. Running and...

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Indoor facility is open!

Photo credit: Mark Steffelaar It was a long and bumpy road. From the original idea to the first balls that were bowled on December 11, it took some three years. But it was worth the wait! The old nets are a thing of the past and there is now a...

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The contractor started removing the old “nets” two weeks ago. All groundwork has now been done to realize the new indoor facility in the coming weeks. After a process that had all kinds of hiccups (permits, subsidy applications...

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The board of Voorburg Cricket Club kindly invites all members to the General Members Meeting to be held at the clubhouse on Tuesday 17 August 2021 at 8 pm. In the GMM the board will present its plans to invest in semi hybrid pitches on VCC’s grounds...

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Friday evenings: Serve your own cuisine.jpg

As our cricket season gears up, and the governmental restrictions ease up day by day with the vaccination drive- we are all set to resume Friday evenings! It’s a great socialisation opportunity for all VCC members to begin the weekend. After a...

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