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Documents ALV March 27, 2015

Documents following the meeting

  Doucments for digestion:


After 18 years, VCC’s Constitution and By-Laws are in need of a refresh. The main reason for this is the need to formally introduce the Internet and e-mail as the main means of communication with members, instead of the now obsolete (registered) letter, advertisement, written notice or physical submission.
In addition to some unimportant points (such as the cessation of the municipality of Voorburg), the opportunity was also taken to amend the following:
  • Youth membership is aligned with the age limits used by the KNCB (i.e. up to U19).
  • Termination of membership is now possible until February 15 of the current year according to the actual practice already in place the period after which suspension due to late payment takes effect has been extended from 2 to 3 months. This means that with a payment date of March 1, suspension will never be able to take effect before June 1.
  • The voting rights of minor youth members have been clarified: they do not have voting rights themselves, but their legal representatives do. Parents of youth players therefore also have the explicit right to attend membership meetings. Legally it was already so, but it has now been put beyond doubt by establishing it in statute.
  • Board members cannot serve for more than 8 consecutive years. After this they should resign for a minimum of 3 years, to give other directors, new ideas and new policies a chance.
In principle, a two-thirds majority of all members is needed to amend the bylaws. Since it is unlikely to be met on March 27, simply because most members are not expected to be present, in that case the board will take the opportunity to call a new AGM within a few weeks, in which case a two-thirds majority of the members who are present will be sufficient.