Corona times have had a huge impact on our daily lives. Not only in your work and private life but also you probably haven’t been able to play as much sport as you’ve wanted to in recent months. Because you have been forced to sit still, you may feel less energetic, might have added a few Corona pounds, you might be sleeping less or struggling to relax.
There is no magic that can fix that, however, an enthusiastic lifestyle coach can help. And VCC has someone for just that, Raza Zaidi. He started his own gym last year (Homegym, the sponsor of VCC, as seen on the advertising board underneath the scoreboard). The gym does more than just exercise, it helps people to take matters into their own hands with a self-developed method. This starts with a number of online tests, which give you the necessary insight into your lifestyle.
The program consists of three parts, should you decide to join:
- Online tests
- Personal interview
- Group meetings
Online tests
In total, there are 6 tests, 1 one about lifestyle, and the remaining 5 about a specific lifestyle subject. All tests are graded between 1 and 10. These are visible straight away and a copy of the results is sent to the participant via email. The lifestyle coach also has access to these details and guarantees privacy.
The general lifestyle test gives insight into which areas you can improve yourself in. After this, you can begin to work on the other 5 tests, especially those you didn’t score so highly in. Access to these tests is given by the lifestyle coach. the purpose of these tests is to give you insight into your lifestyle, for some people this is enough, they can get started with improvement by themselves, for others, a lifestyle coach is needed.
Personal interview
After the tests a personal, one on one interview takes place for those interested. these interviews are around 20-03 minutes. In these interviews these things are discussed:
- How to interpret the results of the test
- Where exactly you need to start in order to better your lifestyle
- How to maintain a change in your lifestyle
- Whether another professional is needed (doctor, physio, dietician, psychologist, etc)
Group meetings
In addition to the personal intake interview, meetings (of around 45-60 minutes) are organised in which the following topics are discussed in more detail:
- General lifestyle
- Movement
- Nutrition
- Relaxation
- Sleep
- Feeling
During the meetings, scientific literature is used, the lifestyle coach shares more about the subject and participants are given the opportunity to share their own experiences. Ideally, meetings take place at VCC or Homegym, it is also possible through MS teams, depending on corona measures.
Will you carry on compromising or will you work to better yourself? How would you like to be sharp again, to enjoy yourself and to fall asleep relaxed again in the evening?
Homegym can help you with that and has found a fun link to cricket. the lifestyle coach challenges you to set yourself cricket goals for this season, in order to be successful, you must have a clear goal. This also applies to cricket. Everyone can join in and a number of intake days will be organised in the short term (if there is enough interest) where Raza will:
- Suggest cricket goals
- Translate these goals to training courses
- Work with you to ensure that these goals are achieved!
Together with the cricket coaches and captains, you and Raza will get to work to maximize your chance of success.
Do you want to go for your goals this year 100%, both personally and as a team? Register without obligation via!