VCC must be a place where everyone feels at home in both sporting and social terms, where everyone respects each other and feels connected.
VCC wants to be a safe place to play sport, where everyone is equal, comes with pleasure and is happy with his or her sport. We (athletes, coaches, parents of athletes, spectators, executives, volunteers, board) want to prevent issues such as bullying, arguing, discrimination, transgressive behavior and sexual or physical intimidation within our club. As mentioned before, it should be safe and fun to be with VCC and we ask that you to help us create an inclusive, diverse and safe environment.
We can do more on prevention. For example, training coaches, team managers (and other volunteers) to recognize signals. Telling them their role and responsibility in creating a safe atmosphere, how to deal with difficult situations, informing them about policies and protocols, etc. We’ll look at that, but it’s everyone’s responsibility.
If you see behavior that you think is not in line with our values, speak to people about it or contact us. If you’ve experienced inappropriate behavior, we encourage you to report it as well. It is never okay to be confronted with inappropriate behavior. We have people who are there to listen to you. At VCC this is Raheela Mahmood, the Counselor.
What is a Counselor (VCP= VertrouwensContactPersoon)?
The counselor (VCP) is the first point of contact within the sports club or sports association for anyone who has a question about or is dealing with transgressive behaviour. The VCP acts as the first point of contact for members, athletes, coaches, parents of athletes, spectators, executives, volunteers, board members with a complaint or question. The VCP offers a listening ear, advises and refers for suitable help. In addition, the VCP advises and encourages the club to take preventive measures. Raheela Mahmood is the VCP within VCC and she can be reached via More information can also be found on the web page of the VCP.
Why a VCP?
Practice within various sports associations has shown (research by NOC NSF and Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland) that there are moments and events in which transgressive behavior could unfortunately not be prevented. Within VCC we would like to be ahead of this. That is one of the reasons why it is good that a VCP is present within VCC. A central point of contact to ensure that the way we interact within the club remains fun and safe.
Prevention is better than cure.
The VCP is also there for questions that can arise before there are problems. You can go to a VCP with questions that you do not easily ask or that you are afraid that will not be answered seriously. By quickly reporting, talking about it and ensuring that an undesirable situation is ended (early) prevents it from getting worse, and can also prevent recurrence.
You can contact the VCP if you have questions about the way in which we interact with each other within the team, for example in the event of bullying, the feeling of not belonging due to skin colour, religion or sexual preference or in case of transgressive behaviour.
When can you contact the VCP?
If you have any questions about whether you think the way of dealing with each other within your team and/or at VCC is incorrect, then you are welcome at the VCP. The questions you may have are about:
- Bullying and being bullied;
- Feeling that you don’t belong because of your appearance, skin color, religion or sexual preference;
- Cross-border behaviour: you experience the way in which you are approached and/or touched by a team member, trainer or someone else at VCC as unpleasant;
- A suspicion of transgressive behaviour: you think that someone in your immediate environment is affected by this at VCC;
- You are concerned about the way your child is treated within the association/team;
- You wonder whether your behavior, for example as a trainer, team parent or coach, is sensible;
- Someone has accused you, directly or indirectly, of unacceptable behaviour; or
- If you are not sure whether your question belongs to the VCP: just ask!
How does a VCP work?
No one will be informed of the conversations that take place between you and the VCP, without you: (i) having given permission for this and (ii) being aware of it. Sometimes it is important to involve other people in a question or problem, but this will never happen without consultation and permission
At the close of the year, the VCP reports to the board whether there have been (anonymous) reports, the nature of these reports and how progress and closure have taken place.
- The VCP offers a listening ear;
The VCP will try to achieve a solution together with the person concerned, for example through guidance, mediation, referral or advice; - The VCP treats a report with strict confidentiality. If necessary, a report can be made anonymously;
- The VCP informs (the chairman of) the board of the association annually of the number and type of reports that have been made;
- The VCP can advise the board solicited and unsolicited with regard to policy in the field of undesirable behavior and the prevention thereof;
- The VCP works completely independently, but falls under the responsibility of the board.
If you (for whatever reason) do not want to talk to the VCP of VCC, you can also contact the NOC*NSF Confidential Point for Sports with first questions. , doubts or to tell your story. The Sports Trust can be reached from Monday to Friday from 08:00 AM to 10:00 PM and on Saturdays from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at number 0900-2025590 (€0.10 per minute). Another option is to send an email to:
I am aware that there is a lot of information above and you may have questions or would like to have something clarified, do not hesitate and contact us for a conversation to clarify things.
Very good intiatief. It will impact everyone very positively. Thank you for taking this step.