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Invitation and documents to be reviewed for GMM July 9

Earlier it was communicated that on Thursday night July 9 we will have the (postponed) General Members Meeting of VCC. Two weeks ago we assumed an online meeting would be the best option, but with the new rules per July 1 we opt now for a face-to-face meeting. If possible at the VCC club house, but we can look at an alternative location if necessary.
The meeting will take place in English – and Dutch, depending on the preference of the speaker. Regardless of the language, you’ll see a new Board that will talk to you and discuss their plans. About a possible indoor facility, the strategy towards 2025, the involvement of even more volunteers etc. Don’t miss it. The agenda and the documents to be reviewed you can find at a protected website page. Members have had a separate email with the link and a password.
We look forward meeting you in person on July 9!