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KNCB Talent-selection Day 2020

Do you have the ambition to play in the national youth teams, and do you want to have a chance to be included in the Lions and Lionesses selection this winter? Register quickly!

The sixth edition of the KNCB Talent Selection Day will take place on the fields of ACC (Amsterdamsche Cricket Club) on Sunday 27 September.

In recent years, more than 100 boys and girls came to the selection day to be seen by the coaches of the Dutch Lions and Lionesses. During the selection day, players are tested on a number of physical and technical points. The participants will receive the assessments and feedback from the coaches within a week.

Dutch Lions

The players who did not play in the Dutch Lions (U12, U14 and U16 age categories) last winter and / or this summer, must come to the Talent selection day before being eligible for the DL trials.

Selection program boys:

  • U12 (born after September 1, 2008) 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • U14 (born after September 1, 2006) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • U16 (born after September 1, 2004) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

For the Dutch Lions trials that will take place in October (Saturday 17 and 24 Oct), the players will be personally invited by the KNCB. This concerns the current DL players supplemented by those who have played themselves in the spotlight during the Talent selection day. The KNCB will then announce the selection for the Dutch Lions winter program 2020/2021.

Dutch Lionesses

The players who did not play in the Dutch Lionesses (U13, U15 and U17 age categories) last winter and / or this summer must come to the Talent selection day. The girls will immediately be selected for the Dutch Lionesses winter program 2020/2021 on 27 September.

Selection program girls:

  • U11 (born after September 1, 2009) 10 am – 12 noon
  • U13 (born after September 1, 2007) 10 am – 12 noon
  • U15 (born after September 1, 2005) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • U17 (born after September 1, 2003) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm


ACC (Amsterdam Cricket Club)
Sportpark ‘t Loopveld
Approach 3, Amstelveen (parking at the end of Saskia van Uylenburgweg)

More information via subir.shrestha@kncb.nl

Over de schrijver

Richard de Lange

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