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New sponsorcommittee for VCC

Richard Koch (l) and Johan Polet (r)
At the New Year’s reception one could sense it: there is new energy in the club. This was proven once more on Monday night January 11, when a new sponsor committee was installed. They will try to persuade companies to partner with VCC for their and the club’s benefit. Richard Koch (a life long fan of VCC ) and Johan Polet (father of Dutch Lioness Donna and U9-team member Jonathan) will together try to convince companies to link their name to VCC, to use the accommodation for a company cricket clinic,  hospitality etc. The start was promising and the board is happy to have found two experieced business men who want to commit part of their time to VCC. If you have any ideas (of companies that want to sponsor or make use of our facilities) or questions for Richard or Johan do not hesitate to contact them via sponsorcommissie@voorburgcc.nl