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The 2020 season, what are we going to do (amongst others)?


In the middle of storm and rain we try to do everything we can to keep our cricket hearts pumping: winter training is in full swing and indoor tournaments are planned or have already taken place. In November U11 and U13 participated in a KNCB indoor tournament and in March we have enrolled a record of five (1xU11, 2xU13 and 2x U15) teams in the annual Flamingo indoor tournament. In the last couple of weeks we have welcomed a lot of new players to our club, so it will be great to see them in action.

Last week the VCC youth board got together to plan the Flamingo tournament and make preparations for next season. Besides planning the team compositions and appointing trainers, we’ve also come up with some ideas to attract new youth members to our club. One of these ideas is to hold a bring-a-friend training on a Friday followed by a family night at the club. Sounds like fun, right?


From Thursday April 30 – Saturday May 2 2020 we intend to organize a VCC tour to South East England (Kent, Surrey area) again. Last year we took a U11, U13 and U15 team and it was a great success. Please consider joining via tour2020@voorburgcc.nl!  More information to follow soon.

Start date outdoor training

In the last couple of weeks we’ve been asked a couple of times about the start date of outdoor training. The answer is that this date is fluid and depends very much on the weather. Just know that we can’t wait either. Hope to see you all again soon!