This Saturday, August 26, VCC will have the pleasure of hosting the national final of the Topklasse cricket (m) for the second time in succession. Like last year, the final battle will be between VCC and HCC. But that’s not all. In cooperation with the KNCB, a nice program was created around it.
Concurrent with the start of the match at 11 a.m., there will be a cricket clinic for children < 12 years old. In addition, there will also be an opportunity to have their picture taken with the World Cup (the Trophy) during the game. This is because the ICC is touring all the countries participating in the World Cup in India in October/November and this Saturday it is the Netherlands’ turn and so the World Cup will be at VCC!
At 2 p.m. there will be a lunch for invited guests, including club officials from Dutch cricket clubs, in honor of the KNCB’s 140th anniversary.
In the afternoon, there will be several food stalls and the entourage will be able to enjoy the music played by DJ Lau. Around 6 p.m., the awards ceremony is expected.
A not-to-be-missed event for all VCC supporters. So come to VCC to help our first team on its way with your support to its second national title in our 91-year history!