The safe and trusted atmosphere of cricket in general and VCC in particular is almost taken for granted. It is very important to the board of VCC that this remains the case. That is why it has chosen to take a number of measures to achieve this. One of the measures is the drawing up of house rules and the appointment of a Vertrouwenscontactpersoon (VCP) or counselor.
What is a VCP?
A VCP is the first point of contact within the sports association for anyone who has to deal with undesirable behavior, bullying and / or sexual harassment and wants to talk to someone about this. The VCP will ensure that, if necessary, referrals are made to the correct address. In addition, the confidential advisor advises the board on preventive measures that can be taken to minimize the risk of misconduct, bullying and / or abuse. The duties of a confidential counselor are mainly in the field of procedural advice. You can contact the confidential counselor if you want to make a report. The confidential adviser is not only there for victims, but also accused persons can request a referral to the good advice. If you suspect sexual harassment or bullying in your area, you can also contact the confidential advisor. Information is treated in strict confidence and nothing happens that you do not want to happen (In the case of criminal offenses, the confidential advisor does have a duty to report). If desired, the person with the report will be referred to the confidential advisers of NOC / NSF, who can advise and support in any further steps to be taken. The Confidential Contact Person within VCC Raheela Mahmood is the VCP for VCC. Do not hesitate to contact her if you need it for any reason. Her contact details are below.
Raheela Mahmood (VCP Voorburg Cricket Club)
06 3008 5803