The new board has set itself the goal to actively involve more people in the club. That will be essential now it seems that the clubhouse will reopen on July 1. Smaller operational tasks can easily be carried out by committees and then it remains manageable for everyone:
- The board can manage and put its time there. Think of projects such as an indoor cricket hall, contacts with the municipality, other Westvliet clubs, the Vlietzoom alliance, finances, setting up senior and youth training courses (technical plan, fields, trainers), newsletters, etc., etc.
- The volunteers we are looking for can perform smaller tasks that are essential for the proper functioning of the club. This varies from washing the towels, putting together a schedule of bar duties, arranging the cleaning, reading the cash register after the weekend, purchasing, replenishing the fridges, catering on Friday evenings. etc, etc.
For the facility and club house committee to be created, we are therefore looking for parents, members and interested people who want to take on such a task. It does not mean that you do everything yourself (the bar duties, for example, are the responsibility of teams, but they must be rostered in), but it means you do what’s necessary for something that you are responsible for. Initial instructions will be provided of course!
Let us know via if you can help!
We (Shirsak’s parents) will be glad to volunteer, however we may require some guidance. Everything has a first time, so we are ready.