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Please support VCC youth cricket after financially tough 2020

Dear VCC supporters,

The VCC Club of 100 supports and enables VCC youth coaching and training.

First of all, we sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are healthy in these strange times.

For obvious reasons, the Voorburg CC ‘Club of 100’ did not call on your generosity and club love in 2020. The coronavirus took hold a year ago and the continuation of the cricket season was uncertain.

Fortunately, we were still able to experience and witness a half season.

One of the highlights was the third place of VCC 1 with about 95% home-grown players who once started at VCC in the U9! You have contributed greatly to this tremendous success

Meanwhile, the corona outlook is better, with extensive vaccination programmes and a declining number of hospital admissions.

For this year we are therefore reasonably optimistic, especially for the youth cricket. In compliance with the corona rules, our youth coaches Tim de Leede, Viv Kingma, Marc Nota, Steffen Mulder and David Cousins will train our youth players.  

We are going to fill in the youth coaching as well as possible to ensure that 2021 will be another top season.

We are very grateful if you would like to contribute to VCC youth cricket!  

This is possible through IBAN: NL34ABNA0967776902 in the name of ‘P. de Leede inz. Club van 100’ in Leidschendam (ABN Amro Bank Leidschendam-Voorburg).   

Please note, the name Club of 100 dates back to the guilder era, so with about the equivalent of that (€ 50) you will help the club enormously!  

Above all, we wish you and your loved ones good health and sincerely hope that we will soon be able to see and speak to you again on a cricket field or elsewhere. 

With thanks and kind regards,

Tim & Patrick de Leede